Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results
- Other information to gather
...s the budget and how many FTEs? Conduct outreach around homelessness? Respond to mental health distress calls and perform wellness checks? If so, is there a particular unit that does this? Conduct traffic enforcement involving non-violent offenses such a...
- Step 2: Determine Goals and Budget Reallocations
...nals. If we believe that mental health and crisis response, homelessness services and outreach, and violence prevention, for example, are pillars of a vision of public safety, then the jobs that make up those services should be sustainable, desirable, and fami...
- Strategies to consider
...ts for police in schools, parks, public transportation, and homelessness response. (Portland, OR; Milwaukee; Burlington, VT) End police involvement with homeless outreach/response, responses to mental health crises, youth engagement, and enforcement of public...
- Narrative Resources
... than armed police officers to respond to mental health and homelessness related situations. National polls show strong bipartisan support for violence intervention programs and an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans (76%) support using money from t...
- Oakland
...olving people in mental health distress and/or experiencing homelessness ($1.35 million).2 Reducing the Police Commission, which provides oversight for the OPD, backlog ($200,000) Investing in the neighborhoods in East and West Oakland ($250,000). Transferr...
- Portland, OR
...911 calls involving people in mental distress, drug use, or homelessness;4 a leadership program for Black residents who are 35 years old and younger; programs helping houseless people; social equity grants; a tribal outreach worker; and a position in the Offic...