
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results

  • Initial topline budget analysis
    ... Over the last few years, how much has been budgeted for overtime and how much has been spent? ShowHide Explanatory Note Overtime is very important. Police departments routinely overspend their allocated overtime budgets, a practice that is often subject ...
  • Expenditure Categories and Line items
    ...nd/or by category of expenditure, such as salary, benefits, overtime etc. Overtime Pensions ShowHide Explanatory Note Pensions are usually separate from police department budgets in their own category. While cities are usually on the hook for paying for p...
  • Where to find all of this information
    ... example, the Portland City Auditor’s study of police overtime.) If you cannot find this information in any of those locations or other public documents that are not listed above, you can use the following strategies: Obtaining addition...
  • Strategies to consider
    ...e budget to evaluate. Reduce funding Reduce overtime budget, including not allowing increases if a department overdraws their overtime budget (Austin) Restrict and/or mandate strict oversight over exceeding projected overtime expenditures (Was...
  • Austin
    ...ted to reallocate about $21 million immediately by reducing overtime expenses, postponing new cadet classes, eliminating 100 vacant police officer positions, delaying the replacement of duty weapons, and transferring the staff for a centralized events permitti...
  • Seattle
    ...ted sworn officer positions from 1,422 to 1,400 and reduced overtime. Nevertheless, Seattle City Council also approved hiring around 100 new officers, largely to replace officers that had left, and they had allowed the police department to exceed their overtim...